Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Term 2 History of Magic Assignment

The first part of the class assignment is written ….. but it’s also partly ‘pretend’. For the sake of the assignment, you will pretend that you are on the Hogwarts Debate Team (not that we have one, but ….. ) …… the question before the Debate Team is: Should House Elves be freed across the board, by law or decree of the Ministry of Magic? You will need to prepare to argue both sides of this question, as you don’t know which side you will be assigned to. You may present your answers in one of 2 forms - as an outline or as a written statement. Remember - you will need an outline/statement for each side of the question. Please try to keep your answers short enough to take up less a full ‘page’ in the classroom! ::grins::

The written part of this assignment is worth 10 points for your House and must be completed and posted here, in the classroom, before you can earn extra credit for the fun part. :)

Free an Elf!
For an extra 25 points, knit or crochet a mini sock as a symbol of freedom for the Elves. As we all recall, Dobby was freed from virtual slavery with the Malfoy family when Harry tricked Malfoy senior into giving Dobby a book that also contained an article of clothing … specifically, a sock.

Your sock can be any pattern (or plain!), any style, any color or combination of colors. In size, it can be no larger than a baby sock. You can create a pair of baby socks & submit them for your project, but this part of the project will still be worth only 25 points.

Pictures of your project must be posted to the classroom, so we can all ooh & aah over them. If you need help doing this, Bebe eKNITabeth, one of our awesome Assistant Deputy Headmistresses, can help you …. check with her in the I.T. Dungeon thread.

Please do not use projects you have already made & used in other groups for this part of the assignment. Create a sock just to free an Elf.

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